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Return to Passion Page 9
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Page 9
David smiled a sly smile. “Bad enough to have the teacher punish me?” he asked Camille. “That’s always been a fantasy of mine.”
“How did you know I was...?”
“Your dad, remember? We worked together on a beautification project at the Krane Foods headquarters. He helped me figure out a way to get the employees involved. He couldn’t stop talking about his ‘Bug.’”
“Oh, God...” Camille put her hand to her face in embarrassment. Remi loved the adorable groan she emitted. It sounded just like her groan that morning, when he’d first entered her. It had been followed by a soft mewl and then a purr and... He wanted her again.
“Ahem.” David chuckled and looked at Remi knowingly. “Why don’t you take the old man home? He looks tired.” David reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a card. “Take this for when you’re ready for a little vanilla in your coffee.”
Remi mouthed a thanks to David as he plucked the card from her fingers. His friend was a flirt but Remi was sure his friend was aware that Camille was different. The look on Remi’s face probably said it all. He was sure he had some explaining to do at the office in the morning.
“See you at the office tomorrow.”
Remi and Camille moved away from David and over to the front of the booth. He took the time to speak to the interns before he and Camille made their way back around the square to where his car was parked.
He shook his head and chuckled at himself because he’d been so caught up in showing her off they’d forgotten to get her snacks. Hopefully he would keep her so distracted that she wouldn’t notice.
Remi had thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon, but now he wanted her alone. He’d been torturing himself with fleeting touches and that explosive kiss in the middle of the square. She’d been smiling and flirting and making it known that she wanted him, too. He hadn’t missed her jealousy while talking to Sonya, and it had turned him on to know that Camille had possessive thoughts toward him. It gave him hope that he may have a chance at convincing her she needed to be back in Fairdell with him to stay.
Remington opened the car door for Camille, but he couldn’t wait any longer to kiss her again. “Wait. Don’t get in yet.”
She gave him a confused look over her shoulder but complied. She then turned and waited for whatever it was he wanted.
* * *
Camille waited for Remi to give her a reason for the holdup. She stood there hoping that he was about to touch her. She’d been longing for it since they’d left his bed—or the ottoman, she corrected herself—but she didn’t want to think about what that meant for her. She knew she was riding a thin line when it came to her warring feelings. And it didn’t help when Remi looked at her and made her want to feel that amorous gaze on her every day.
That thought led her to a bigger worry—she had some decisions to make. She had to figure out how to reveal her career to her father and others, and also how to make up all those years to Remi. He probably wouldn’t want her to think about him in terms of a debt, but she couldn’t help it. She owed him for leaving and she’d find a way to make it up to him regardless of whether or not she stayed in town.
Had she really just considered staying in town? Yes, she had. If it meant being near Remi, maybe she could give it a try. It would certainly make Anna happy if she decided to reveal her true identity to her readers. That would mean Anna would get to book Camille on signings and other public events that would help boost her into superstardom, not that Camille wanted that.
What she did want was Remi. She could admit that to herself. If he was willing to forgive her, then she needed to start forgiving herself...for everything. She’d spent her entire life blaming herself for issues that were out of her control, like her mother’s death. She needed to forgive herself, and one way to start was to come clean to her father about her feelings so she could let go of some of her guilt.
“I want to kiss you, but I don’t want to stop there, Camille,” Remi whispered, his lips close to her ear. A moment ago, she’d felt the same, but her wayward thoughts were like a bucket of ice extinguishing her desire, bringing her back to reality.
“I... I... Remi, I feel so guilty about my mother.” That was not what she’d intended to say, but it was what had come out. It was her thoughts taking on a life of their own and her guilt manifesting itself. She started to sob and though she had not spoken a word about this previously, he seemed to understand and pushed his desire aside to offer Camille the comfort she needed.
Remi pulled her head to his chest and let her cry. She apologized to him for ruining his expensive shirt as she cried. He chuckled. “You’re a bestselling author and you’re worried about a shirt that we both can afford a million times over. God, you’re like a breath of fresh air, Ladybug. I know you’re hurting but I have to say this... We’ll go back to my place and talk, but when you’re all better, I plan to make sure Reese Elaine has plenty of ideas for her next book.”
She sniffled and smiled through her hurt. He put her in the car then and closed the door. She cried a little, but felt better that Remi wouldn’t allow her to bury herself in irrational guilt. His proposition to talk and then make her forget about her troubles was one she definitely wouldn’t pass on. They needed to talk. She needed to confess and purge. Then and only then would she be ready to think about a future for them.
A future for them. The thought made her stomach flutter in anticipation, letting Camille know she was making the right choice.
* * *
“I think I’m going to tell my dad about my writing,” she blurted once she’d removed her shoes and sweater and made herself comfortable in Remi’s home. “It’s time he knows. He needs to be able to make his own decisions regarding my career and he can’t if he doesn’t know what I do for a living. I want him to be proud of me, Remi.” She wiped away a tear. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be so weepy.”
“Nonsense. We came here to talk and that’s what we’re doing. I’m glad that you feel comfortable enough to trust me with your feelings,” Remi confessed and pulled her up from where she was sitting and into his waiting arms. “Your father won’t care if you’re a teacher or not. He’s always been proud of you.”
“Please remind me to give you back that gift card.” Camille suddenly remembered when Remi mentioned being a teacher. “You should probably find someone who is actually a teacher to give it to or maybe you could donate it to the local elementary school.”
He didn’t speak for a moment. “I have a confession to make... I’ve been sending anonymous donations to your school—well, the school I thought you taught at. I also know your grocer, Mr. Donati. I made sure he had your favorite snack in his store.” He then told her how he found out where she lived in New York, contacted Mr. Donati and made sure his shelves were always stocked.
“That was really sweet of you,” Camille admitted. She swung on a covered porch swing that offered a great view of Remi’s sprawling backyard. She looked at him beside her. “I think I’m done crying now.” She then laughed at herself. She had not been this much of a mess since leaving Remi in Fairdell ten years ago.
“Good, because I don’t like it when you cry. But if you do want to, I’m here.” Remi draped his arm around her and pulled her close. He kissed the top of her head in a gesture of support. “So, we’re going to tell your father? When?”
“We? Rem, you don’t have to do that. This is my prob—”
“I’m not allowing you to brush me off. I want to be present for every important event in your life,” Remi said and she knew he meant it by the way he looked at her. “I want to show you that regardless of time and distance, I never stopped loving you.”
His comforting words were laced with remnants of pain. She’d caused that pain. Looking down at his hand she realized she’d wanted to hear those words from him for the past ten years. She’d not seriously dated b
ecause subconsciously she was waiting for this moment. The moment where she returned to him and he forgave her, the moment where he released her from her guilt, and told her that he’d never stopped loving her. She could write from anywhere. But Remi was here and he had a billion-dollar company to run. If she wanted him, she had to choose Fairdell over New York. She had to choose Remi over New York. She had to choose what she wanted over anything else.
“I...” Camille placed her hand over Remi’s. The three words were right there on the tip of her tongue but she couldn’t seem to get them to come out.
“I love you enough for both of us, Camille,” Remi avowed and placed a palm against the side of her cheek. She leaned into that warm hand and felt relief that Remi could sense her feelings but was patient enough to wait to hear her say them. He was patient and forgiving and he loved her despite her choices and her faults.
So, why couldn’t she say the words if she truly felt them?
Once those words were uttered, she could not take them back. It would be too late and she’d be devastated for putting herself out there. But Remi was worth the risk, wasn’t he?
“Please kiss me, Rem. I want to show you...” She couldn’t say the words, but she could show him how much she loved him and wanted to be with him. It was a big step for Camille to be a little selfish. She’d always been one to consider how her actions affected others, which was why she’d chosen to leave all those years ago. However, that time was over. She didn’t want to be without him any longer. She wanted Remington Krane and she wasn’t going to allow anything to keep them apart again—not her choices or his. From now on, they were together and they’d make decisions together.
Once again Camille felt that flutter in her belly that let her know she was making the right decision.
Chapter 12
Remi could see Camille was still afraid that he would change his mind and realize he hadn’t forgiven her after all. She also feared that her father wouldn’t support her career.
She had no reason to worry. Remington would be there for her if she let him. She wouldn’t have to deal with any of the fallout from revealing that she was Reese Elaine, without him by her side.
So with his reassurance out of the way, he buried his hands in her soft hair and pulled her close. Their breaths mingled and mixed and he savored the way her breaths shortened and labored from just one touch. Her back reflexively arched, jutting out her full bosom. The hand she had on his leg glided up to his chest and gripped the front of his button-down white shirt. She seemed to be pushing him and pulling him at the same time, but he wasn’t about to let this woman back away from him. She’d proclaimed she’d wanted to show Remington proof of her love and he’d help her do just that.
“I’m going to make love to you, Camille. Out here in the open. Right now.”
She shivered and her mouth fell open at his declaration. The gasp that followed was swallowed whole as Remi’s gaze focused on her soft lips and a hungry smile broke out across his face.
Her mouth tasted sweet. It was the best taste ever. It was so delicious that he never wanted to stop tasting her and touching her. She was pliant and her little moans made his already straining erection grow even more impatient.
Remington wanted to have her delirious and edgy with need just as he was, so he decided to ignore his own need for now. He wanted her to feel the heady intoxication that her mere presence had on him.
Boiling over with lust, Remington knew the only way he wouldn’t catch fire and burn to a crisp was if this woman helped calm him by... Oh, man!
A hand cupping him through his jeans surprised and excited his already throbbing member. Camille’s hands went to work on his belt soon after. When she couldn’t get him free fast enough, he helped her. He rose from the swing and started to undo his belt, but Camille boldly took control again. “Let me,” she said and went to work on his pants, freeing him from the confines of his jeans and boxer-briefs. “We’re alone, right? No one will come out here?” she asked and he thought he’d release prematurely at the sound of her desperate, lustful tone.
He nodded and was about to pull her up to stand before him so he could claim her mouth again, but Camille had other ideas. Her hand went on the base of his steel-hard erection at the same time her lips covered its mushroomed head. The unexpected heat of her mouth and the softness of her lips made him almost come apart on the spot. Her inexperience was endearing and her craving to explore and do things she’d never done made him want her more.
Her warm, wet mouth slowly dragged along the sides of his length. Her lips and tongue left a sizzling trail in their path as her hand stroked him, producing a bead of pleasure that she licked right up.
The sight of Camille before him caused a primal urge to take over and before he realized what he was doing, he’d given up on slow and sensual. The way she teased his erection with her lips should be outlawed. Her natural talent overshadowed her inexperience.
Remi took her down to the grass, forgetting his state of dress. He got caught in his lowered pants and they fell in a tangle of arms and legs and articles of clothing. They laughed heartily but the laughter quickly turned to roaming hands, smashing mouths, pleasured moans and writhing bodies.
Addictive...that was what Camille was. He couldn’t get enough. Her skin was so damn silky and her belly was smooth and taut. Her rear was supple and more than a handful—firm and round. She was short, but her long legs were able to wrap around his waist with no problem allowing him to plunge deep into her core, gliding through the heated moisture of her arousal.
* * *
There, in the grass, there was no fear of anything that might come their way, only love. Two people exploring each other in the most primitive way and she loved it. Camille had not felt this attraction to anyone but Remi and had a feeling that she never would again. He was the only one who could make her forget all her inhibitions and act on her carnal desires. She had never put her mouth on a man so intimately and had not wanted to do anything else upon laying eyes on Remington’s beautiful, jutting erection. She’d acted on instinct and it had surprised her that she’d enjoyed the taste and feel of him in her mouth.
She had loved the way her control over him had made him react. He’d gotten overwhelmed and had roughly thrown her to the ground and passionately mounted her. He was aggressive and dominant the way he tore off her clothes and she loved every minute of it. Camille couldn’t see herself being like this with anyone but him. He made her this way and it was only fair that he got to reap the benefits.
“Oh, Remi...ohhh,” Camille shouted when they’d been going at it vigorously, her hips meeting every one of his thrusts. She didn’t care that they were in his backyard, out on the open, in the soft grass.
He flipped them over and Remi’s hand roamed her torso and fondled her aching breasts. They moved around her back and to her butt, cupping her and squeezing her and separating her rear cheeks so he could poke and probe even deeper into the slick walls of her sex.
“Please don’t leave me, Camille,” Remi begged when he sat up and they were face-to-face. “Please stay with me and be with me and marry me and have a family with me. I want that for us, Camille.”
With each word, his thrusts became slower and deeper, more purposeful. They were pressed together breast to pecs, mouths only millimeters apart, breathing the same breaths.
Not knowing how to respond, but knowing how she wanted to respond, Camille decided that she would stop running from the man who could make her feel this way. She’d stop fearing what would happen if she decided to choose Remi and Fairdell. She’d stop hiding from her father and come clean to him and everyone else in order to have the life she wanted.
“I love you, Remington Krane, and I want all those things for us, as well. I want you and...” Camille could no longer speak. The emotion of the moment seemed to over
take them both. Tears leaked from the corners of Camille’s eyes and she could see Remi trying to stop his own. The words must’ve been like a match to him because he moaned Camille’s name between slow, deep thrusts. His body seized and every one of his hard muscles tightened around her. His thickness swelled and jerked against her pleasure spot and they shared in a deliciously blissful release. They held on to each other as their sensitized skin vibrated and tingled and she swore that after a minute or so he came again, filling her with his warm seed once more.
She giggled. “We were supposed to be talking, Rem. What happened?”
“You happened. I can’t resist you and now I don’t have to. You’re mine...officially. Now we get to tell the world.”
“I have to tell my father and my agent first.”
* * *
“Anna, you won’t believe this but I’m ready.”
The sound of Anna’s squeal could be heard across the room and she didn’t even have the speaker phone on. Remi laughed at Camille’s agent and mouthed I told you so. She’d been afraid of how Anna would respond after Camille had spent years trying to keep her true identity a secret. Anna was a skeptic at times, but apparently not about this. “Before you start planning all the appearances and contacting the masses I need you to know that I’m going to be leaving New York.”
Camille cringed when the loud “WHAT?” blared through the line. “You’re leaving me in this godforsaken city alone?”
“I thought you loved New York, Anna.”
“Hell, no! I only say that because I am a modern woman with great fashion sense. I live on the Upper East Side and that is what people who live like me are supposed to say! I’d love to move to the suburbs to some small town and only go to the big city when I want to let loose a little.” She sighed. “I can’t believe you’re leaving me.”